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Event Name Chryslers on the Murray
Manufacturer Chrysler
State NSW
Date 17/3/19
Image result for 2019 chryslers on the murrayThe southern hemisphere’s biggest annual Chrysler expo, Chryslers on the Murray was held on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 March 2019 at Wodonga’s Gateway Lakes on the Lincoln Causeway. The show has grown from humble beginnings in 1991 when the newly formed Albury Wodonga Chrysler Club held its first one-day Chrysler car show, with 60 cars on show. The event has since developed into one of the biggest car shows in Australia, attracting upwards of 850 vehicles and around 55 swap site vendors.

The show is a ‘must see’ for all motoring enthusiasts both young and old, and provides the opportunity for visitors to see a broad range of Valiants, Plymouths, Dodges, Chryslers and the legendary Charger.

(Our thanks to the 60's American Muscle Car Club for the pics)

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