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Chrysler  Valiant Charger
 1972 model Coupe 2 doors
Posted by: Stephquan
Vehicles by Stephquan     Reviews for Vehicle Variant
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Date updated:13/9/07
Num of cylinders  6
Engine Capacity  4.3 L
Exterior Colour Arctic White
Interior Colour Black & Red
Car Details 265 Hemi With Weber 2 barrel
Extractors + 2.5 inch straight-thru
Supra 5 speed
Other owners Car a rebuild - cant say who owned it as its really parts.
When did you purchase/build this vehicle 2003
Why did you purchase/build this vehicle I have loved Chargers since i saw a beat-up orange one down the street as a kid, and i had to have one.
Got the means, and did it!
How often do you drive the vehicle A couple of times a week, sometimes less, sometimes much more. Basically whenever I need a car I use it.
What are the best features of this vehicle It looks fantastic, it sounds tough, its a classic icon of Australian motoring, everyone has a story or a memory of chargers (I was born 12 years after it was made) and people just generally love it. Its my dream car.
What vehicle would you replace this vehicle with I wouldn't replace it but i plan on one day somehow owning a Lamborghini. that is the ultimate.
What should a prospective buyer look for if considering the purchase of a similar vehicle Check for rust in 'the usual places'
ie front plenum, rear windscreen, chassis rails esp. steering box area and general all over.
Otherwise they are pretty tough.
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