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Holden  HR Sedan
 1966 model Classic 4 doors
Posted by: hr1966
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Motorfest 2009

Orange Grove 21/02/2009

Date updated:22/2/09
Num of cylinders  8
Engine Capacity  4.2 L
Exterior Colour Matt Black
Interior Colour Grey
Car Details SPECS

• MOTOR: 253 Slightly Tickled, Came off a 1973 HQ UTE
• GEARBOX: WB Trimatic, VC Valiant Shifter
• MANIFOLDS: WB (hugs the block)
• RADIATOR: VC Valiant V8
• DIFF: 308 off a Torana UC
When did you purchase/build this vehicle 2008
Why did you purchase/build this vehicle For the love of old cars
How often do you drive the vehicle As often as possible
What are the best features of this vehicle The baby seat
What vehicle would you replace this vehicle with 1957 chev
What should a prospective buyer look for if considering the purchase of a similar vehicle look for a X2
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